Minggu, 12 April 2020

LKS Task

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D or E! 

1. A. The vine
2. A. To poison some animals
3. B. He made noise with his snail
4. A. 5)-2)-4)-1)-3)-7)-6
5. B. spied
6. D. took
7. E. Began
8. B. Have a child
9. D. Tom
10. A. Happy

B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly! 

1. About young fragile sea turtle and boasful sea snail
2. Sea snail : Boastful
    Sea Turtle : Good, Helper
3. They were afraid of the king of sharks
4. Sea turtle came and kicked the king of sharks. nose
5. Structures of the story :
a) Characters: Sea snail (boastful), Sea turtle (good , helper) 
b) setting : in the sea
c) conflict: The king of sharks made a loud roar and gave Sea snail a big jump. The Sea snail screamed and asked for help.
d) climax: Sea turtle came and kicked the king of Sharks nose. The king of sharks was yelled about aloud and dozing off to sleep.
e) Ending : Sea snail gave his shell to Sea turtle. from that day on, sea turtle had his beautiful curly shaped shell. He was impressed about it but never boasted.

Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

English Task

                                                        Legenda Telaga Warna

In ancient times, there was a kingdom in West Java called Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatangguhan is a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. His people live in peace and prosperity because they are led by a wise king. The king of Kutatanggeuhan was named Prabu Suwartalaya and his empress was named Ratu Purbamanah. The king and queen are wise so the work which is led is prosperous and peaceful.

All very pleasant. Unfortunately, Prabu and his wife do not have children. That made the royal couple very sad. Prabu's adviser suggested that they adopt a child. But King and Queen did not agree. "For us, biological children are better than adopted children," they said.

Queen often moody and cry. Prabu also sad to see his wife. Then Prabu went to the forest to meditate. There the King continued to pray, to be blessed with children. A few months later, their wish came true. The queen begins to get pregnant. All the people in the kingdom were very happy. They flooded the palace with gifts.

Nine months later, the Queen gave birth to a daughter named Gilang Rukmini. The citizens of the country returned to send the little princess various gifts. The baby grows into a cute child. A dozen years later, he had become a beautiful teenager.

Prabu and Ratu love their daughter very much. They give their daughter everything she asks for. But it made him a spoiled girl. If his wish is not fulfilled, the girl will be angry. He even used to say rude. Even so, parents and people in the kingdom loved him.

Days passed, Princess grew into the most beautiful girl in the whole country. In a few days, Putri will be 17 years old. So the inhabitants of that land went to the palace. They brought a variety of very beautiful gifts. Prabu collected a lot of presents, then kept them in the palace room. At any time, he can use it for the benefit of the people.

Prabu only took a little gold and gems. He took it to a jeweler. "Please, make a very beautiful necklace for my daughter," Prabu said. "With pleasure, Your Honor," said the jeweler. He then worked as best he could, with all his heart. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace in the world, because he loved Princess.

The birthday arrived. The citizens of the land gathered in the palace square. When King and Queen came, people welcomed him happily. A warm welcome was heard, when a beautiful princess appeared in front of everyone. Everyone admires her beauty.

Prabu then rose from his seat. He held the beautiful necklace. "My beloved daughter, today I gave this necklace to you. This necklace is a gift from people from all over the country. They love you very much. They offered this gift, because they were happy to see you grow up. Wear this necklace, son, "said Prabu.

Princess received the necklace. Then she saw the necklace at a glance. "I don't want to use it. This necklace is ugly! " exclaimed Princess. Then he threw the necklace. Beautiful necklace was broken. Gold and gemstones spread across the floor.

That's really surprising. Nobody thought, Princess would do that. Nobody speaks. Silent atmosphere. Suddenly burst into tears the Queen Purbamanah. He was very sad to see the behavior of his daughter. Eventually all were moved to tears, until the palace was wet with their tears. They continued to cry until their tears flooded the palace, and suddenly from the ground came pouring water, more and more and more. Until finally the kingdom of Kutatanggeuhan sank and a very beautiful lake was created.

On a clear day, we can see the lake is full of beautiful and amazing colors. The color comes from the shadow of the forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But people say, the colors came from Princess's necklace which is scattered at the bottom of the lake.

                                                          Corona Article

Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the Corona virus, is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers 
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can cause sufferers to experience flu symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache; or symptoms of severe respiratory infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness of breath, and chest pain. These symptoms appear when the body reacts against the Corona virus.
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 is caused by coronavirus, which is a group of viruses that infect the respiratory system. In most cases, coronaviruses only cause mild to moderate respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). It is suspected that the Corona virus was initially transmitted from animals to humans. However, it was later discovered that the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to human

                                                     Daily Asesstement 5
                           1.choose the corect answer by crossing A,B,C,D or E
1.C. The first women admiral
2.B, To be an admiral
3.E. The portuguese
4.E. a women army consisted of widows
5.D. gained
6.E. at that point
7.A. there was economy problem
8.C. Sutomo was one of the leaders to defend surabaya
9.D. agression
10.D. 17

                              B. Answer the following question clearly
1. Imam Bonjol lead the padri troops againts the dutch
2. In September1832, Bonjol the place of birth of tuanku Imam Bonjol was occupied by the Dutch
3. Pattimura was betrayed by the king of Booi Pati Akoon, Pattimura was captired by Dutch forces on 11 November
4. Date and Place of birth and death, family information etc
5. To providers all the necessary backround information to enable the audience to make sense of the text

Kamis, 09 Januari 2020

Holiday Story


I just stay at home doing gaming activities with indra and fikri. then I play with my friends go to the pool and go to the cinemas to watch a movie that is exciting. after that day i didn't go anywhere i just stayed at home like sleeping eating watching tv and playing games.

not to forget I went to grandma's house not far from home. I wake up at 9 am after that I had breakfast then showered and got ready to go to grandma's house if with my family I don't go anywhere because my parents have work that can't be canceled.
that's all for my story, thank you